
Singled Out: Hoobastank

(antiMusic) Welcome to Singled Out! where we ask artists to tell us the inside story of their latest single. Today Doug Robb from Hoobastank tells us about "My Turn" from their forthcoming album (out early next year). We now turn it over to Doug for the story:

The song "My Turn" went through a couple versions of itself before landing where it did. In it's original "less aggressive" form it was mainly a song that the band really liked but probably not as a single. After listening to it over and over and constantly getting the sense the something was missing we decided to re-track the guitars and vocals but this time with a more frantic, urgent, aggressive energy. Once we did the song just clicked for us and for all those who listened to it. It's like we finally let the song be what it wanted to be.

Lyrically the song was inspired by a poem my older brother had written. I think it was about finding true love. When's it going to be my turn to find my true love? I saw it as something else. I took key phrases that I liked, re-worded others and wrote what was missing and there it was. My version of "My Turn." An ode to all of us who have at one point felt like no matter what we do we still get the s*** end of the stick. When's it going to be my turn to get what I want? To reach the top? To feel I've gotten what I deserve?

The album may not hit until next year but you can get the single right now on iTunes. Now that you know the story behind the song, listen for yourself and learn more about the band - right here!

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