Cloud Nothings – “Silence”

Errick Easterday

Cloud Nothings – “Silence”

Errick Easterday

We just looked back at Cloud Nothings’ Here And Nowhere Else for its 10th anniversary, and the band has a new album, Final Summer, on the way in a couple weeks. They’ve shared the title track, “Running Through The Campus,” and “I’d Get Along” from it so far, and today they’re back with one last single, “Silence.”

“I wrote this song after reading that Samuel Alito’s Roe v. Wade opinion tried to justify banning abortion with quotes from a guy who literally burned women at the stake for being ‘witches’ in the 1600s,” Dylan Baldi said in a statement. “Like, how stupid do you have to be to think that a guy like that has said anything worth listening to at all? It’s wild that you can be a Supreme Court justice and also be an idiot. So I made ‘Silence’ about how sometimes you feel powerless watching bad people run the world, but that hopefully in the end you can find a way to live by decent values in whatever place you’re in.”

Listen below.

Final Summer is out 4/19 via Pure Noise Records.

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