Parents hit back as The Wiggles tease Lil Nas X collaboration

"C'mon guys, you advocate for innocent children's entertainment whilst simultaneously wanting to collaborate with a devil worshipper"

Lil Nas X has been pictured on Instagram with the members of The Wiggles – and some parents aren’t happy.

Lil Nas X was seen with the Australian children’s entertainers holding one of the group’s trademark colourful jumpers in a post that teased a collaboration between the two acts at Australia’s Falls Festival.

Some parents, however, were keen to express their disapproval in the comments section. “I’m sorry but Lil Nas should have nothing to do with children. Period,” one said.

“C’mon guys, you advocate for innocent children’s entertainment whilst simultaneously wanting to collaborate with a devil worshipper. This is such an odd post,” added a second person.


A third wrote: “Such a shame, my daughter loved the Wiggles. I don’t see how someone who lap dances the devil in their music videos is a good candidate for working in the children’s music industry.”

Another irate parent said: “Why are you guys collaborating with someone who: 1. Worships the devil, 2. Supports Balenziaga [sic], 3. Put human blood in his Nike sneakers and sold them.”


“Yuck. NO. Lil Nas and children should not even be in the same sentence,” added another.

Another parent said this was enough to stop their children from watching The Wiggles altogether. “Seriously? This dude makes super sexually explicit music videos, is an open Luciferian, makes a music video DRESSED as Satan, and then as a demon gyrating on him.

“Comes out a shoe glamorising the Devil, and (apparent) blood inside the sneaker and this is what you promote? @thewiggles myself and my siblings were brought up on you guys, and I have been bring my own children up with you. Even if this was a joke, my family’s support stops today.”

Lil Nas X was previously criticised by some right-wing commentators for his use of Biblical imagery in the music video for his 2021 hit ‘Montero (Call Me By Your Name)’ in which he slides into Hell on a stripper pole and gives the devil a lap-dance. “I am an adult. i am not gonna spend my entire career trying to cater to your children. that is your job,” the rapper said in response.


He was also criticised for selling customised Nike Air Max 97s that allegedly contained a drop of human blood, which were later recalled following a lawsuit from Nike.

Last year, the rapper joked about wanting to collaborate with The Wiggles, to which the group replied: “We’re ready to wiggle with you!”

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