‘Weird West’ patch dials down jailbreaks and makes trading easier

WolfEye Studios has also shared what fans can expect from the next patch

The first patch for Weird West has been released, making several quality-of-life changes to the game while also squashing a variety of bugs.

On Saturday (April 9), developer WolfEye Studios shared patch notes for Weird West‘s first update.

Though the patch doesn’t include any new content, there is plenty of quality of life changes that will make playing the game a little better.

Wanderers within the game will now buy junk items, meaning that players won’t have to trek back into settlements to sell their wares. To make carrying everything easier, a new button in the game’s interface will allow players to transfer all of their junk to companions, horses or containers in one click. Even better, players can now access their horse and companion inventories within the shop screens, so there’s no more jumping between screens to sell items.


Companions will also take better care of themselves, and will automatically use bandages at 40 per cent of their health rather than 25 per cent.

Weird West
Weird West. Credit: Wolfeye Studios

Beyond those quality of life changes, the first Weird West patch also fixes some bugs that have had a significant effect on the game. While bounty targets would previously break out of jail 100 per cent of the time, that’s now been dialled back to 15 per cent.


Other bugs that have been addressed include Sheriff Albright randomly turning hostile, an issue that was causing random items to be sold, and a quest item that was disappearing during the Easy Prey and Terror on the Trail side quests.

Looking ahead, WolfEye Studios explained its goal “is to keep working on the game for the long term,” and says Weird West‘s next patch will feature more quality of life updates.

“We plan on iterating on the game whether it’s for bug fixing, improvements, adding content, game modes, etc so this is only the beginning,” added the developer.


In other gaming news, a Subnautica sequel is currently in development.

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