‘Ready Or Not’ update adds new maps and weapons

The first major update is available now

The latest update for tactical shooter Ready Or Not includes new weapons, improved maps, additional modes, and more.

Void Interactive has released the first major content update for Ready Or Not since it entered early access late last year. The update removes placeholder voice lines for female NPCs and the TOC. Agender voice lines will also be used for arrests.

The update also adds several new weapons to Ready Or Not. A new pepperball gun that is magazine-fed and customisable has been added. Two new assault rifles have also been added, the MK.16 5.56 and the SLR 47. Those who purchased the support edition will also be able to use the new BCM MK1, which has no statistical advantage over other 5.56 assault rifles.

Three new test maps have been added to Ready Or Not, which are a heavy work in progress. These are Valley, Fast Food, and Penthouse. Existing maps have also received some updates. The Wenderly Hills Hotel now has three new modes and includes chef character models for NPCs. The map is also expanded, with the lobby and first-floor areas now available.


213 Park homes has been updated with a new mode. The map has also been expanded, with a second house now included in the mission. Players will now be able to destroy lights, and several tweaks have been made to the sounds.

More map updates are available in the patch notes.


The enemy AI has also been updated. Now suspects in Ready Or Not will have a hesitation mechanic, and their first three shots have an accuracy penalty. Suspects will now avoid using trapped doors that have been partially opened and will fire shotguns slower.

A new door trap has also been added and the alarm tripwire will now alert suspects to the player’s location.

In other news, The Anacrusis has achieved over 200,000 players during its first week of sales.

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