‘Minecraft’ announces a revamp to the outdoors with The Wild Update

The Wild Update will add frogs, new swamp biomes, and...fear?

During Minecraft Live, Mojang has shared details on The Wild Update – a major update coming to Minecraft some time in 2022.

Following Caves And Cliffs Part 2, The Wild Update will be the next major patch for Minecraft.

“After updating all the caves and cliffs, it was clear that we weren’t ready to go back inside just yet. The great outdoors still called to us, which is why 2022 will bring you The Wild Update”, reads a recap blog.

As detailed at Minecraft Live, The Wild Update will add “new gameplay, more depth, and lots of fun stuff to the game”. This includes the addition of mud, the Mangrove Swamp biome, frogs, tadpoles, and long-requested boats with chests.


Minecraft Mud bricks
Minecraft. Credit: Mojang.

The Mangrove Swamp biome will – of course – include Mangrove trees, which in turn will come with a new type of wood for players to build with. Swamps will be “completely surrounded” by Mangrove trees and their roots, with some trees big enough for players to sail their boats under.

The Wild Update also adds a way for players to create renewable clay, which will be possible by placing one of the new mud blocks on top of a dripstone block.


Mud can also be used to create mud bricks, which add a new option for players looking to mix up their building materials.

On a spookier note, The Wild Update will also add the Deep Dark biome, which was delayed after being revealed in Minecraft Live 2020. The Deep Dark will also include the upcoming Warden boss, a blind mob that hunts enemies based on sound and vibration.


In other news, footage displaying Elden Ring footage has allegedly leaked online, with videos circulating across Twitter. The gameplay shows an armoured figure controlled by the player, as a giant fortress looms ahead.

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