Grunge icons Redd Kross say Courtney Love blacklisted them from supporting Nirvana

"She had her revenge"

Grunge forefathers Redd Kross have claimed that Courtney Love blacklisted them from supporting Nirvana at the height of the iconic band’s fame.

The California rockers, who were considered to be one of Nirvana’s earliest influences, say that Love – the widow of the late Kurt Cobain – prevented them from supporting the band after claiming that they had mocked her battles with weight loss.

According to bassist Steven McDonald, they even a shared manager with Nirvana wasn’t enough to secure an opening slot at the height of their early 90s fame.

“We were never able to open for Nirvana,” McDonald told The Guardian.“We shared the same manager. Flash forward to Nirvana being the biggest thing in the world – OK, can we please go on tour with your band? We were told we couldn’t, because Courtney Love said we were mean to her when she was fat.”


Denying the Hole frontwoman’s claims, singer Jeff McDonald said: “We used to crank call Courtney. But not about being fat. We didn’t even know she was fat.”

Steven added: “When she met Kurt Cobain we realised: Oh man, that Courtney chick – we have to be friends with her now. But she had her revenge. She blacklisted us from Nirvana tours.”

The comments come only days after the release of their seventh album ‘Beyond The Door’. It is the follow up to 2012’s ‘Researching The Blues’.



Love, who is yet to respond to the claims, recently admitted that she’s unsure if she could be in a rock band if she was starting out in the 21st century.

“I don’t know that I could do it now. I don’t feel like the reward for being in a rock band is quite enough,” she admitted.

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