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Elvis Presley
RCA/Legacy have set an October 30th release date for the deluxe 2-CD+DVD box of Elvis Presley's Prince From Another Planet: 40th Anniversary Edition
(Reuters) - The heirs of a longtime friend of Elvis Presley can proceed with a lawsuit over a chunk of the King's hair and other memorabilia they say were stolen and sold at auction, an appeals court ruled on Tuesday. At stake is $218,000 in proceeds from the sale of a trove of collectors' items that allegedly belonged to Elvis...
Frontman believes he'll have a heart attack on the toilet like Elvis Presley
TMZ has obtained a photo of Denver Broncos linebacker Elvis Dumervil ... taken WHILE he was being arrested for allegedly flashing a gun at another motorist during a road rage incident in Miami
Bob Marley has joined a list of famous people, including Elvis Presley and Beyonce, who have had creatures named after them

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