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New Noise Santa Barbara will hold its second annual music conference and festival this fall.
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The campaign is entering its second weekMassive Attack playing at the Marble Arch Extinction Rebellion camp. Several roads were blocked across four sites in central London, by the Extinction Rebellion climate change protests, April 2019Massive Attack joined the Extinction Rebellion protest movement by performing to crowds at London’s M...
The dates were initially due to take place this weekMassive AttackMassive Attack have rescheduled their shows in North America after announced they forced to postpone their a number of shows due to illness. The band were due to embark on a tour of the US and Canada to celebrate the 21st-anniversary of their classic album ‘Mezzanine&...
Massive Attack were set to kick off the North American leg of their tour earlier this week, but they postponed the dates at the last minute, citing an illness. The tour, which is a celebration of the 21st anniversary of their album Mezzanine, has already hit Europe over the last couple months. Today,…
Late last year, Massive Attack announced that they would be embarking on a big tour to celebrate the 21st anniversary of their classic album Mezzanine. Cocteau Twins singer Liz Fraser and reggae legend Horace Andy are both joining them on tour to perform their collaborations, and documentary filmmaker Adam Curtis is working with them on…
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