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Madina Lake bassist Matthew Leone is critically ill in hospital after being attacked in Chicago earlier this week.According to a post on his twin brother Madina Lake frontman Nathan Leone's blog at 7:30PM yesterday evening (approximately 1:30AM British time) Matthew was severely beaten after coming to the aid of a woman who was being attacked near the singer's appartment."I'm afraid I have some of the worst news that has ever hit our lives," begins Nathan's blog post. "It's almost impossible to even type this update. A few nights ago, Matthew walked from my [apartment] a block and a half down the street to meet a friend for a drink."Half way there he saw a man severely beating his wife. Being the most amazing, strong, heroic and incredible person I know, even though the guy was twice his size, Matthew intervened. He managed to subdue this guy for a second, and since his wife was beat up pretty good, [Matthew] called the cops. As he did so, the guy jumped him from behind and beat him. This guy did things I can't even type. Afterward, he and his beaten wife left Matthew unconscious on the street."Matthew is in the hospital with a third of his skull removed as we wait for the swelling in his brain to go down. I'd rather not share any additional information at this time besides the fact that he acted as a hero - as he always would in any of these situations - and is paying a horrific price."Please send all your love and good energy and vibrations to him. I've been and will be next to him throughout the entire recovery process. We don't know enough yet details about how that will develop, but it has shocked, stunned, disgusted our best friends, family and band (which are both). The world can be evil beyond belief and as much as we want this evil eliminated, right now our hearts heads and energies need to go to my best friend, soul mate, hero, and angel, Matthew. "Love you all and will be in touch as soon as I can muster up the emotional energy to reach out again. Please, be safe and peaceful as we get through this impossible time."Our thoughts and prayers are with the Leone family and Madina Lake at this sad time.
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