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Artist Profile
Carly Rae Jepsen
The fourth single from Jepsen's first album in four yearsCarly Rae JepsenCarly Rae Jepsen has shared her latest single ‘Too Much’, the latest to be taken from her forthcoming fourth album ‘Dedicated’. The track follows the release of two lovestruck singles ‘Now That I Found You’ and ‘No Drug Like Me...
submitted by Nick May 9th 2019 01:00 pm (stereogum.com)
Last month, Carly Rae Jepson announced a new album titled Dedicated, which is out next week. Considering this is the follow-up to her absolutely epic 2015 album E•MO•TION, which was one of our favorite albums that year, expectations are rather high. Jepsen is also prepping for a string of tour dates that kick off in June. …
Boutique-pop deity Carly Rae Jepsen is a mere month away from releasing the new album Dedicated, the four-years-later follow-up to her absolute fucking monster E•MO•TION. She just shared the new jam "Julien" earlier this week. And these days Jepsen is engaging in all the promotional rituals that pop artists have to do whenever they have&...
submitted by Nick Apr 19th 2019 05:00 am (stereogum.com)
The world is ready for a new Carly Rae Jepsen album. It's been four long years since her instant-classic E•MO•TION, although we've gotten B-sides and "Cut To The Feeling" and plenty of collabs in the meantime. But still, the world is ready for a new Carly Rae Jepsen album, and thankfully, that's exactly what the…
Carly Rae Jepsen has recreated the iconic "This Is Your Brain On Drugs" public service announcement, more specifically the Rachel Leigh Cook version of it from the '90s. She made it to promote her recent single "No Drug Like Me." She, of course, says, "This is what happens to your brain when you listen to…

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