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It has been a long, long time since the Chromatics came out with an album. A little more than seven years ago, the bleary, cinematic synthpop atmosphere-conjurers released their grand, moving opus Kill For Love. Ever since, they've been promising Dear Tommy, their long-awaited and much-anticipated follow-up. Chromatics shared a Dear Tommy trackl...
"A really toned down, stripped down, club atmosphere type of thing"Slipknot‘s Jim Root has said that he’d like the band to play their new album ‘We Are Not Your Kind’ in full live. The band released their sixth album last month, and it went on to become their first UK number one in 18 years. Read more: Th...
Iggy Pop has announced a new album called Free, the follow-up to 2016's Post Pop Depression. Iggy has spent the last few years collaborating with a bunch of different artists, from Oneohtrix Point Never to Underworld, and for his new album he worked with Leron Thomas and Noveller for what's described as a slower atmosphere,…
The space agency's InSight Mars Lander touched down on the planet's atmosphere earlier todayGreen Day's Billie Joe ArmstrongGreen Day have “landed on Mars” after the band revealed their unexpected connection to NASA’s current mission to study the planet’s interior. Buy Green Day merch here The InSight (Int...
A Tribe Called Quest legend Q-Tip talks to NME about his solo masterpiece 'The Renaissance', which has just turned ten, and why he believes young rappers don’t respect their elders.When Q-Tip released his second solo album, The Renaissance, back in November 2008, the world was a very different place. Released the same day Barack Obama was elec...

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