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In their 29 years as a band, Deerhoof have somehow never made an album entirely in a recording studio until now. Miracle-Level, the iconic Bay Area band’s 19th full-length, is billed as their studio debut. It’s also the first Deerhoof album sung entirely in Satomi Matsuzaki’s native Japanese.
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submitted by Nick Feb 5th 2009 11:01 am (www.pitchforkmedia.com)
Like the recent iTunes My Morning Jacket EP, this exclusive Deerhoof EP features the band recorded live, inside a studio. Mostly drawn from last year's Offend Maggie, the six-song set does feature one new song.read more
The final part of Deerhoof's epic set on "Juan's Basement" is up today. The angular rhythm workout "Snoopy Waves" from Offend Maggie is first, and following the song they speak in an interview about who in the band brings the funk, and the the track's resemblance to the Romantics "Talking in Your Sleep". Kinda does! After that follows "Milk Man"...
The final part of Deerhoof's epic set on "Juan's Basement" is up today. The angular rhythm workout "Snoopy Waves" from Offend Maggie is first, and following the song they speak in an interview about who in the band brings the funk, and the the track's resemblance to the Romantics "Talking in Your Sleep". Kinda does! After that follows "Milk Man"...
Bay-area avant-rockers Deerhoof appear on a very special three-part episode of "Juan's Basement". In Part 1, they blast through "Tears and Music of Love" and "Fresh Born", both from their latest LP, Offend Maggie, and then go on to discuss how they formed the band and getting heckled by irate fans. In Part 2, they reach back into the catalogue a...
-- According to AllHipHop.com, 50 Cent is working on a song with British pop star and fellow perspective-free blowhard egomaniac Robbie Williams. This will mark the end of the absolutely hilarious rich-guy tiff the two got into a couple of years ago. (You will not regret reading that AllHipHop story.) 50 is also going to be producing movies, now...

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