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The Berlin band Stray Dogs HC presumably have that name because there are a lot of bands called Stray Dogs and because this one wants to let you know, straight away, that they make hardcore. This is true, and it’s useful information. Stray Dogs HC, as it happens, make really hard hardcore — demonic midtempo stomp-mosh music that hits like a brick to the face.
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An unthinkable tragedy last night in Brooklyn: A former member of Yellow Dogs, an Iranian indie rock band who had relocated to Brooklyn, shot and killed three of his former bandmates in East Williamsburg, then killed himself. The New York Daily News reports that the unnamed gunman, recently booted from the band (reportedly for selling [...]
Trio appear in web series 'Ghost Girls' as band haunting a recording studio    
submitted by Nick Sep 20th 2013 04:00 pm (stereogum.com)
Purity Ring are stomping with the big dogs now. Lady Gaga has roped the Toronto spectral-synth duo into doing an official remix of “Applause,” her kinda-desperate new drama-nerd anthem. For the reworking, Purity Ring producer Corin Roddick removed everything besides the vocal track and built the gasping goth-dance track aroun...
We love ourselves a bit of grim Northern hardcore, so imagine our delight when we stumbled across the metal-infused mayhem of Black Dogs!
submitted by Nick Sep 12th 2013 05:00 pm (stereogum.com)
Since I first heard the debut tape by Columbus, Ohio’s All Dogs last month, I’ve had a hard time listening to anything else. The collection of tracks is just five originals plus one cover, on one side of a split with fellow Ohioans Slouch, but those few songs contain more perfect anxiousness and earnestness than [...]

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