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Just the other day, Sleigh Bells' landmark debut Treats turned 10 years old. In another version of 2020, perhaps they'd be gearing up to celebrate that anniversary by taking Treats on the road for some special shows. But instead, Alexis Krauss has found something else to do while in quarantine: covering one of the best…
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A couple of weeks ago, Jordan Olds’ great video series Two Minutes To Late Night shared an all-star 10-minute metal salute to David Bowie’s “Station To Station.” Today, Two Minutes To Late Night has returned with a cover of a very different rock classic. The latest entry in the series, in which metal and p...
As far as I know, there are no deserts in New York. But that doesn’t mean that NYC should be deprived of epic, guttural stoner-metal. Desertfest, a European collective that books sludge festivals around the world, has just announced the lineup for next year’s Desertfest NYC, which will bring many of the world’ fines...
Jordan Olds’ great video series Two Minutes To Late Night no longer drops a new all-star cover every week, the way it did in the early months of the pandemic. But the series is still going, and whenever it puts together one of those ad hoc remote-supergroup covers, it still absolutely rules. Two weeks ago, for instance, the series paid...
A new Motörhead tribute album is going to be recorded at the Psycho Las Vegas festival, which takes place this weekend. It’s called Löve Me Förever: A Tribute to Motörhead and bands that are playing the fest will contribute, including High On Fire, Eyehategod, Creeping Death, and more.
Last week, Jordan Olds’ great weekly video series Two Minutes To Late Night, one of the great shining lights of the quarantine era, featured Marissa Nadler leading a band of metal all-stars through a version of Journey’s “Of A Lifetime.” This week, Two Minutes To Late Night salutes another titan of &#8...

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