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Fiona Apple piqued our interest early this month by announcing that her first album in eight years is finished, and she really piqued our interest a week later by spilling extensive details about the album -- which is titled Fetch The Bolt Cutters -- in a New Yorker profile. In fact, the article was so…
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The balance of the evening was already a delicate one. The restraint of the audience at the Newmark Theater as they watched the manic glee of Fiona Apple in performance mode was palpable. Yes, they laughed at her strange stage banter (after one particularly sexy duet with tour mate Blake Mills, she exclaimed, “See, Christians? [...]
Fiona Apple has covered Willy Wonka‘s “Pure Imagination” in collaboration with Mexican fast food chain Chipotle in a campaign against factory farming. Apple, who is a known vegan, soundtracks an animated clip of a world where “scarecrows have been displaced from their traditional role of protecting food, a...
Last night, Fiona Apple performed at a Louis Vuitton event in Tokyo but left the stage quickly after becoming frustrated with the attendees. The event celebrated a new exhibition at the city’s Tokyo Station Hotel (which is also where the performance took place) called Timeless Muses that honors women like Sofia Coppola, Kate Moss, and ...
Singer apparently became exasperated by the amount of audience noise during her performance    
At this point, everything Fiona Apple does in public view feels like a small miracle, so you don’t question it; you just go with it. Apple is heading out on tour this fall with the L.A. singer-songwriter Blake Mills, and today, Mills’s label Record Collection posted video of Apple and Mills singing an acoustic version [...]

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