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Lately, Thom Yorke has been putting himself out there, working in new and unfamiliar genres -- classical pieces, a film score. And in his solo shows, he's also been changing things up, working with electronic music and leaving himself alone at the middle of the stage, without instruments, to dance. Yorke has lately been working…
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Radiohead joined TikTok back in April. Since then, the band has used their verified account exclusively to post bizarre videos featuring the mysterious Chieftain Mews character from their old webcasts. Their first TikTok got a million views, but that number has been steadily decreasing with every new post. And in a new video posted today, Thom Y...
Longtime Radiohead producer Nigel Godrich, basically the sixth member of the band, also contributes to Thom Yorke’s solo work, his Atoms For Peace project with Flea, and the Smile, the new group that features Yorke, Jonny Greenwood, and British jazz drummer Tom Skinner. The Smile made their debut at the livestreamed Glastonbury event L...
Back in March, Thom Yorke made another foray into the fashion world, when he reunited with Jun Takahashi to soundtrack the designer’s Undercover Fall 2021 show Creep Very. (Previously, Yorke and Jonny Greenwood made a Radiohead megamix for Takahashi’s 2017 Paris Fashion Week show.) This time around, Yorke provided a new remi...
In place of an in-person event this year, the venerable UK music festival Glastonbury hosted a ticketed livestream event from its longtime venue Worthy Farm. It included the surprise debut of the Smile, a new band with Radiohead’s Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood plus drummer Tom Skinner. Also on the bill were former Radiohead acolytes C...
Radiohead members Thom Yorke and Jonny Greenwood have a new project with drummer Tom Skinner. They’re calling themselves the Smile, after a Ted Hughes poem, and they’re working with regular Radiohead collaborator Nigel Godrich on production. The band made their debut today at the livestreamed Glastonbury event Live At Worthy ...

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