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On last night's episode of Saturday Night Live, Melissa Villaseñor appeared on Weekend Update wearing a white suit and blond wig for her "famous Grammy preview." She was dressed as Lady Gaga, of course, but insisted the outfit was for all the "Melissa Monsters" out there and that she was "born this way." "I heard…
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Social distancing is the phrase on everyone's mind, and celebrities are speaking out to encourage fans to take the coronavirus pandemic more seriously. Ariana Grande has been tweeting up a storm, Lady Gaga has talked to some doctors and scientists, and even Taylor Swift has posted a message on her Instagram story telling her fans…
submitted by Nick Feb 28th 2020 06:00 am (stereogum.com)
Lady Gaga's last studio album was 2016's Joanne, which may or may not have failed (commercially, at least) before it even came out. A lot has changed in Gaga land since then. She's built up a lot of goodwill thanks to her role in A Star Is Born -- she was nominated for a Best…
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The record recently reached its 6th birthdayWatch Lady Gaga crash a jazz night in a Hollywood bar to sing Frank SinatraLady Gaga fans have aired their frustrations after the singer appeared to distance herself from her third album, ‘Artpop’. The ‘Poker Face’ pop star took to Twitter yesterday (November 11)...
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