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A swing and a miss from former alt-rock firebrands Smashing Pumpkins
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The Smashing Pumpkins' iconic 1995 double album Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness turns 25 this weekend, and an HUF collab isn't the only way they're celebrating. The band will embark on a Mellon Collie-themed tour, hitting arenas around the world, once COVID-19 restrictionns loosen up next year. And they've also announced that they're work...
One of the most memorable artifacts of '00s mashup culture is The Grey Album, on which Danger Mouse -- then a largely unknown rap producer with some meager critical buzz -- replaced the music on Jay-Z's freshly released The Black Album with samples from the Beatles' iconic 1968 self-titled double LP, aka "The White Album."
The Smashing Pumpkins are releasing a new double album, CYR, at the end of November. We've heard a decent chunk of it already, as the band has been sharing new tracks in pairs: first "Cyr" and "The Colour Of Love" and then "Confessions Of A Dopamine Addict" and "Wrath." Today, they're back with two more.
Last week, the Smashing Pumpkins officially announced their new double album, CYR, after sharing two songs from it, the title track and "The Colour Of Love," last month. Today, they're back with another pair of songs from CYR: "Confessions Of A Dopamine Addict" and "Wrath." In conjunction with the new album, Billy Corgan…
The Smashing Pumpkins' iconic 1995 album Mellon Collie And The Infinite Sadness turns 25 years old next month. And to celebrate the anniversary, the Smashing Pumpkins are collaborating with skatewear brand HUF on a new collection that will be out on Thursday.

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