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submitted by Nick Jul 11th 2018 10:00 pm (stereogum.com)
Robert Pollard vowed to only release one new Guided By Voices album in 2018 and dedicate the rest of the year to touring, and that album, the recent Space Gun, has already come and gone. But that doesn't mean that the legendarily prolific indie-rock institution is slacking off, or even slowing down -- as it…
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submitted by Nick Oct 22nd 2012 07:00 pm (stereogum.com)
Keeping track of Bob Pollard’s creative output isn’t exactly an easy or enjoyable task — sometimes it seems like the dude is just bent on utterly exhausting his fanbase. Yet, somehow, he never tires. Honestly, he must have a superhuman constitution. The “classic” GBV lineup are set to release the...
GBV’s “Keep It In Motion” comes from the “classic” lineup’s second full-length this year. First of all, that these indie elders are producing at this clip, let alone with results as assured and ingratiating as “Keep It In Motion,” should throw most young rock-band wh...
“Class Clown Spots A UFO” is the title track from Guided By Voices’ forthcoming LP, though it’s been knocking around under different titles, and via different recording sessions, for a very long time. (Rolling Stone pegs the first iteration as an ’80s-era Pollard composition titled “Cro...
submitted by Nick Mar 9th 2012 08:00 pm (stereogum.com)
The reunited classic-lineup version of Guided By Voices appears to be back to its old prodigious ways. At the very beginning of the year, the band released the strong reunion album Let’s Go Eat The Factory. Just a few months later, they’re already planning to release their next full-length up on us. The next one [...]
It’s a new year, and every Thursday, we’re going to be publishing a new list in this space. You guys like lists, right? Good! For our first one, we got to talking about Guided By Voices, who just released a pretty great album about 25 years after their first one. And that raised the question: [...]

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